Depois de 20 anos de atividade, todos já sabem quem é o Iredo, a qualidade dos seus serviços médicos e já reconhecem de longe a paleta de cores (tons suaves de verde e contraponto laranja). Escolhi trabalhar num logo 100% tipográfico com alto contraste nas letras, o que deixou a nova marca mais madura, leve e elegante. Algumas letras foram redesenhadas para adicionar curvas e os cantos foram arredondados, humanizando o logotipo. A perna do “R” envolve o “e” como num abraço, já a letra “D” e “O” se interlaçam, como no logo antigo (fazendo uma link com o passado) e representando o acolhimento e o carinho no tratamento do paciente, diretrizes que irão marcar os próximos 20 anos do instituto.
Foi criado também um símbolo/selo comemorativo dos 20 anos, usando o próprio logo descontruído e reconstruído no formato de um coração, fortalecendo mais uma vez a ideia de que a missão da Iredo é humanizar ao máximo o tratamento do paciente, além de muita afetividade no cuidar.
This is the visual rebranding project of Iredo, Institute of Rheumatology and Osteoarticular Diseases. The institute celebrated 20 years of existence in 2022, in addition to the migration to a new, larger and more modern headquarters. The brand VIVAdesign was asked to visually rebrand the old brand, which was already a little dated and needed to communicate this new phase.
After 20 years of activity, everyone already knows who Iredo is, the quality of its medical services and already recognizes the color palette from afar (soft tones of green and orange counterpoint). I chose to work on a 100% typographic logo with high contrast in the letters, which made the new brand more mature, light and elegant. Some letters were redrawn to add curves and the corners were rounded, humanizing the logo. The leg of the “R” involves the “e” as in a hug, while the letters “D” and “O” are intertwined, as in the old logo (making a link with the past) and representing the welcoming and affection in the treatment of the patient, guidelines that will mark the next 20 years of the institute.
A 20-year commemorative symbol/stamp was also created, using the logo deconstructed and reconstructed in the shape of a heart, once again strengthening the idea that Iredo’s mission is to humanize patient treatment as much as possible, in addition to a lot of affection not care.
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